Expresiones del culto a Santiago en los caminos medievales de Navarra

  • Roldán Jimeno Aranguren Departamento de Historia. Universidad de Navarra [Spain]


Devotion to the figure of Saint James in Navarre as of the XI century can be gauged by studying the number of parish churches dedicated to and other devotional forms aimed at the Saint. His widespread popularity can be appreciated in the different local religious procession routes in his name within the region. The significance becomes more marked when the fact is taken into account that the rest of Navarre paid little attention to Saint James who, by comparison with other devotions, was of minor importance in chapel and iconography terms in the Middle ages


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How to Cite
Jimeno Aranguren, R. (2000). Expresiones del culto a Santiago en los caminos medievales de Navarra. Príncipe De Viana, (220), 351-371. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/2488