El acceso de los navarros a la administración castellana: el caso de Tristán y Juan de Ciriza

  • Isabel Ostolaza Elizondo Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]


This article illustrates the difficulties encountered by Navarrans when they tried to gain access to the higher studies required for a career in the civil service under the Austrias. The origin of the problem was not only the quota system which limited Navarrans’ (and Aragoneses’) access to the halls of residence at the main Castilian universities, but the fact that the kingdom did not have Colleges where law was taught, unlike the Crown of Aragón with its universities in Lérida and Huesca, to name but the nearest to Navarre.
It was, therefore, sometimes necessary to employ different methods, like those used by Tristán and Juan de Ciriza, who became secretaries to some of the court’s Councils by making use of...


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How to Cite
Ostolaza Elizondo, I. (2000). El acceso de los navarros a la administración castellana: el caso de Tristán y Juan de Ciriza. Príncipe De Viana, (220), 433-447. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/2491