Revistas literarias II

  • Ángel-Raimundo Fernández Universidad de Navarra [Spain]


This second instalment concerning literary magazines of recent years in Navarre covers the history of Elgacena (Literary magazine from the Estella Region) up to 1999. The three founders of the magazine, Juan Ramón Corpas, Ángel de Miguel and Francisco Javier Irazoki, poets all, are still significant names in the literary world –and more specifically the world of poetry–, a fact borne witness to by both the extension and widely published nature of their production. The contributions by Pablo Antoñana are also highly worthy of mention.
The second part of the study recounts the history of Pasajes, a magazine which, despite its fairly recent apparition –8 issues in all–, represents an important publication open to authors from both Navarre and beyond...


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How to Cite
Fernández, Ángel-R. (2000). Revistas literarias II. Príncipe De Viana, (220), 535-594. Retrieved from
Philology and Literature