Existencialismo y trascendencia en Sonetos para no morir (1965) de Ángel Urrutia Iturbe [Existentialism and Transcendence in Sonetos para no morir (1965) by Ángel Urrutia Iturbe]
This paper offers an analysis of Sonetos para no morir (Pamplona, Ediciones Morea, 1965) by the Navarrese poet Ángel Urrutia Iturbe (Lekunberri, 1933-Pamplona, 1994), a collection of poems that offers a constant mixture of existentialism (life conceived as pain, anguish, bitterness...) and religious transcendence (hope for eternal life and encounter with divinity), which is what prevails in the final part. After briefly commenting on the structure and content of the volume, I will focus on the analysis of the main themes (with their associated symbols and poetic motifs), adding a brief notes on style at the end.
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