La encomienda sanjuanista de Leache en la Edad Media. Una primera aproximación [The commanderie of Leache in the Priory of St. John of Jerusalem in Navarre during the Middle Ages ]


  • Julia Pavón Benito Departamento de Historia. Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Order of San John of Jerusalen, commands, medieval Navarra


This article presents the study of Leache, one of the commanderies of the order of St. John of Jerusalem in the Priory of Navarre during the Middle Ages. This preceptory, at the eastern end of the kingdom, has a rich collection of documentary evidences, now in the AHN Madrid, and artistic heritage with its romanesque church of San Martín de Tours, with a unique and rich set ornamental. Therefore, it will be analyse its social and economic characteristics, the institutional organization and the political importance of their leaderships.


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How to Cite
Pavón Benito, J. (2011). La encomienda sanjuanista de Leache en la Edad Media. Una primera aproximación [The commanderie of Leache in the Priory of St. John of Jerusalem in Navarre during the Middle Ages ]. Príncipe De Viana, (253), 279-293. Retrieved from
Medieval History Section