La cultura emblemática en el barroco navarro. El gremio de san José de Tudela a finales del siglo XVIII [The emblematic culture in the Navarrian Baroque. Saint Joseph’s guild of Tudela on the verge of the 18th century]


  • Eduardo Morales Solchaga Cátedra de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro. Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: emblems, Navarre, Tudela, Saint Joseph’s guild, triumphal cart


This article talks not only about the emblematic culture in Navarra during the Baroque centuries, but also describes and explains the emblems that were painted on the triumphal cart belonging to Sant Joseph’s brotherhood of Tudela. They were conceived by Juan Antonio Fernandez, a famous intellectual from the Spanish Enlightenment, in order to celebrate the birth of the twin princes and the Treaty of Paris, signed with the British Empire in 1783.


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How to Cite
Morales Solchaga, E. (2011). La cultura emblemática en el barroco navarro. El gremio de san José de Tudela a finales del siglo XVIII [The emblematic culture in the Navarrian Baroque. Saint Joseph’s guild of Tudela on the verge of the 18th century]. Príncipe De Viana, (253), 481-496. Retrieved from
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