La desaparición casi inevitable del pequeño reino pirenaico [The Almost Unavoidable Disappearance of the Little Pyrenean Kingdom]


  • Víctor Manuel Arbeloa Muru Licenciado en Historia civil y eclesiástica [Spain]
Keywords: hounding, Ferdinand of Aragon, kings of France, Navarre, Boissonnade


This article is a short summary and commentary of the regular hounding and eventual partial occupation of the Kingdom of Navarra by Ferdinand of Aragon’s army and his Navarrese supporters (a true protectorate). It is mainly a short report and reflection about the long less known hounding, with occupation threatens by the kings of France, to all territories of the Navarrese kings and their vassals until April 1512; and all this with the help and support of the branch of John of Foix, viscount of Narbonne, and his son Gaston, both pretenders to the County of Foix and the Kingdom of Navarre. Thus, I try to clarify the sentence of the best historian of that age, Prosper Boissonade, who said that the disappearance of the tiny Pyrenaic Kingdom was «almost unavoidable».



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How to Cite
Arbeloa Muru, V. M. (2012). La desaparición casi inevitable del pequeño reino pirenaico [The Almost Unavoidable Disappearance of the Little Pyrenean Kingdom]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 619-634. Retrieved from
1512 Section