Navarra virreinal: la aportación cultural de los virreyes [Viceroys in Navarre: their Cultural Influence in Navarre Society]


  • Rocío García Bourrellier Departamento de Historia. Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: XVIIth century Spain, Navarre, court, viceroys, society, culture


With this paper I try to find the social and political reasons to explain why the virreinato of Navarre was never considered as a cultural spot, and then show how this institution had an scarce influence in the cultural development of the population under its jurisdiction, which was just the opposite of the other virregnal courts as Valencia, Naples and the American: New Spain and Peru.



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How to Cite
García Bourrellier, R. (2012). Navarra virreinal: la aportación cultural de los virreyes [Viceroys in Navarre: their Cultural Influence in Navarre Society]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 149-168. Retrieved from
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