Reformismo en los abastos del ayuntamiento de Pamplona. Siglo XVIII [XVIII Century Pamplona and the Town-hall Reforms of the Supplies]


  • José Fermín Garralda Arizcun Doctor en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: town-hall, Pamplona, supplies, reforms


Pamplona eighteenth century town-hall arranged many reforms in the administration

of citizens supplies. For these to be supplied with security, quality

and fair prices, and facing the trouble of that age due to poor harvests,

wars and epidemies, the town-hall monopolized every sale of a number of

everyday supplies. The supply reforms were intensified in the second half of the eighteenth century. Divisions were created, and supervisors toinning the different administrations, regulations, any sort of economic change, tax raises... The taxes fixed to the suppliet meant a good source of income to the town-hall. Those were used for the public welfare and other reforms. The town-hall, which was traditional in constitution and functioning, carried out many reforms. These, were prometed by its own activity, several external factors, and the cultural environment the town-hall was involved in.



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How to Cite
Garralda Arizcun, J. F. (2012). Reformismo en los abastos del ayuntamiento de Pamplona. Siglo XVIII [XVIII Century Pamplona and the Town-hall Reforms of the Supplies]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 251-275. Retrieved from
Modern History Section