Pedro de Viñaburu (1691-1757) y la formación de los boticarios en Navarra [Pedro de Viñaburu (1691-1757) and the Education of the Apothecaries in Navarra]


  • Carlos Adanero Oslé Licenciado en Farmacia [Spain]
Keywords: Pedro de Viñaburu Poza, apothecary, Navarra, Pamplona, XVIIIth century


Pedro de Viñaburu Poza is an important spanish apothecary which lived in Pamplona (Old Kingdom of Navarra) during the XVIIIth century. He wrote a book for the pharmacy students. This book was prepared for the students to be able to beat the exams in order to become apothecary masters. He organized and bought the drugs to have a «good» pharmacy in the Hospital of the City of Pamplona. Probably he was involved in hospital’s students of pharmacy education and in the writing of the «Ordenanzas of 1730» which directed the hospital.



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How to Cite
Adanero Oslé, C. (2012). Pedro de Viñaburu (1691-1757) y la formación de los boticarios en Navarra [Pedro de Viñaburu (1691-1757) and the Education of the Apothecaries in Navarra]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 209-223. Retrieved from
Modern History Section