El delito de estados en el tribunal inquisitorial de Logroño, siglos XVI y XVII [The «Status Crime» at Logroño’s Inquisitorial Court. XVIth and XVIIth centuries]
Throughout the whole Hispanic Monarchy, Inquisition played a key role in the reform process and social discipline. The main goal of this investigation lies in analyzing a subject commonly known as the «status crime», which can be defined as the claim or affirmation of certain individuals that the marital status was superior to that of the clergy and ecclesiastics. That assertion was considered an anticlerical heresy and represented an important percentage of the cases initiated by Inquisitorial courts. This communication will focus on the study of such «status crime» trials –their main characteristics, evolution, the accused sociological background, geographical expansion– in which Navarre individuals were involved. The whole of these trials belong to XVIth and XVIIth century Logroño’s Inquisitorial Court collection.
Copyright (c) 2012 César Jaurrieta Núñez

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