Las peculiaridades de la Transición en Navarra: la mirada de la prensa [The Peculiarities of the Transition to Democracy in Navarre through the View of the press]


  • Carmela García Ortega Universidad San Jorge [Spain]
  • Cristina Zurutuza Muñoz Universidad San Jorge [Spain]
Keywords: democracy, foral regimen, political transition, newspapers


The objective of this research paper is to know how the main navarre, basque and national newspapers covered the information regarding the political transition process in Navarre. The peculiarities of this process arise from the existence of an agreed and pre-constitutional foral regime (a special regional law) that should be adapted to the new political context. A quantitative content analysis will be the methodology applied to 3.818 pieces of information published in Diario de Navarra, El Pensamiento Navarro, La Gaceta del Norte, El Correo Español-El Pueblo Vasco, Deia, Egin, El País and ABC during the seven months prior to the Constitution approval.



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How to Cite
García Ortega, C., & Zurutuza Muñoz, C. (2012). Las peculiaridades de la Transición en Navarra: la mirada de la prensa [The Peculiarities of the Transition to Democracy in Navarre through the View of the press]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 407-419. Retrieved from
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