Los alcaldes en la colección de ordenanzas de Valanca y Pasquier de 1557 [The Mayors of the Ordinances Collection of Valança and Pasquier in 1557]


  • Mercedes Galán Lorda Profesora titular de Historia del Derecho. Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: ordinances, Court staff, Court Mayors, mayors ordinary, collections


In the year 1557 was printed in Estella considered one of the unofficial compilations of law Navarre. The text, prepared by two members of the Royal Council of Navarre, Valança and Pasquier, collecting law in force in the kingdom to include ordinances that governed the Court staff, the second of the courts of the kingdom, in addition to tariffs, various actual supplies, repairs of grievances, ordinances for the good government of the people, without missing real oath formula. This paper attempts to describe the content of the work of Valança and Pasquier from the point of view of administration of justice, with particular attention to what affects the mayors of the Court Staff and ordinary mayors of the towns of Navarre, whose performance is properly arranged and improved.



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How to Cite
Galán Lorda, M. (2012). Los alcaldes en la colección de ordenanzas de Valanca y Pasquier de 1557 [The Mayors of the Ordinances Collection of Valança and Pasquier in 1557]. Príncipe De Viana, (254), 185-207. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/591
Modern History Section