¿Quién fue Sancho Abarca? [Who was Sancho Abarca?]

  • Alberto Cañada Juste Historiador. Sociedad de Estudios Históricos de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Navarra, Medieval history, Middle-Ages, Tenth century’s kings, Sancho Abarca, Kingdom of Pamplona


As far as the traditional historiography is concerned –specially that of the XIXth and XXth centuries– the question is not a matter of doubt: Sancho Abarca is Sancho II Garces, king of Pamplona (970-994), son of Garcia Sanchez I (931-970) and grandson of Sancho Garces I (905-926), both of them kings of Pamplona. But this has not been always thereby. During a long time, until the midsixteenth century, when the existence of Sancho Garces II was yet unknown, the nickname Abarca was reserved for Sancho Garces I , even though in some few cases making it extensive also to his descendants. The aim of this paper is to elucidate which of the two Sanchos, I or II, grandfather or grandson...



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How to Cite
Cañada Juste, A. (2012). ¿Quién fue Sancho Abarca? [Who was Sancho Abarca?]. Príncipe De Viana, (255), 79-131. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/603