Pro Salute Fratris Infirmi, la enfermería del monasterio de La Oliva [Pro salute fratris infirmi. The infirmary of the abbey of La Oliva]

  • Pablo Abella Villar Universitat de Girona [Spain]
Keywords: abbey of La Oliva, monastic infirmaries, Cistercian order, uses of medieval monastic spaces


This article analyses the ruins of some monastic premises that still remain east of the main cloister of the Navarrese abbey of La Oliva, belonging to the ancient infirmary for sick monks. This task is carried out placing the focus both on the analysis of the surviving architectural elements and their former functionality.



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How to Cite
Abella Villar, P. (2012). Pro Salute Fratris Infirmi, la enfermería del monasterio de La Oliva [Pro salute fratris infirmi. The infirmary of the abbey of La Oliva]. Príncipe De Viana, (255), 7-25. Retrieved from