El manierismo rafaelesco en las tablas del retablo de Echano, hoy en Sarriguren [The Raphaelian Mannerism in the altarpiece paintings of Echano, today in Sarriguren]

  • Pedro Luis Echeverría Goñi Universidad del País Vasco [Spain]
Keywords: altarpiece, painted wood, Echano, 16th. century, Mannerism, Miguel de Baquedano, Raphael, engravings, Raimondi, Veneziano


In this article Echano’s antique altarpiece is analyzed in his primitive destination, San Pedro Romanesque hermitage, as well as his artistic context, the painted Renaissance altarpieces of the Valdorba, mostly missing. We emphasize the lack of synchrony between his masonry of Gothic tradition and their grotesques and mannerists painting woods of about 1550, which we attribute to the Pamplona painter Miguel de Baquedano and his workshop. This possible authorship is based on the utilization of Raphaelian prints, the comparison with other of his works and some typical signatures of style. The investigation in the graphical sources of inspiration has allowed us to identify the literal copy as well as the adjustment of engravings of Marcantonio Raimondi and Agostino Veneziano.



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How to Cite
Echeverría Goñi, P. L. (2012). El manierismo rafaelesco en las tablas del retablo de Echano, hoy en Sarriguren [The Raphaelian Mannerism in the altarpiece paintings of Echano, today in Sarriguren]. Príncipe De Viana, (255), 27-49. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/607