La naturalización francesa de Miguel de Villanueva (Miguel Servet) [The naturalization as a Frenchman of Miguel de Villanueva (Michael Servetus)]

  • Francisco Javier González Echeverría Licenciado en Geografía e Historia, sección Historia. Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Tudela (Navarra) [Spain]
Keywords: Michael de Villanueva, Michael Servetus, Tudela of Navarre, French Naturalization, Henry II, Jean Calvin


Michael de Villanueva (1511-1553), better known as Michael Servetus, used that surname only when there was danger for his life or his works. We inclose a graphic representation, for the first time, of several important manuscripts: the original complete document of the naturalization as a Frenchman of Miguel de Villanueva, in 1548-1549, by means of a privilege of the King Henry II. This document confirms that he was a native of Tudela in Navarre. This manuscript comes with some other innovative documents: that of his enrollment in Paris University in 1537 and another one by Jean Tagault, Dean of Medicine in Paris in 1538, declaring that De Villanueva was Navarrese. Those documents coincide with the testification in Vienne in 1553...



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How to Cite
González Echeverría, F. J. (2012). La naturalización francesa de Miguel de Villanueva (Miguel Servet) [The naturalization as a Frenchman of Miguel de Villanueva (Michael Servetus)]. Príncipe De Viana, (255), 139-174. Retrieved from