Controversias entre Pamplona y eclesiásticos de poblaciones cercanas por el acarreo de leña en 1742 [Controversies between Pamplona and clergymen from its environs because of firewod carrying in 1742]

  • Antonio Prada Santamaría Doctor en Historia, técnico de Archivo [Spain]
Keywords: firewood, Arga river, supply, Pamplona, Diocesan Court, Villava, Burlada, Huarte, Arre


Because of the intense deforestation that took place during centuries on the outskirts of Pamplona, not mitigated by reforestation, since early on this city had to stock up on firewood for homes, offices of all types (including the Viceroy, the Royal Council, the Bishop, etc...), barracks, workshops and establishments in general. Pamplona had to contract the carrying of tons of logs and lumber through the Arga river from the area where the Eugui reservoir is today. In view of all this material, people (including clergy) from the Villava and Huarte towns, along with Burlada and Arre villages, proceeded to remove some of that wood, paying its carriers, resulting in several clashes with the contracting city in the courts. In 1742...


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How to Cite
Prada Santamaría, A. (2012). Controversias entre Pamplona y eclesiásticos de poblaciones cercanas por el acarreo de leña en 1742 [Controversies between Pamplona and clergymen from its environs because of firewod carrying in 1742]. Príncipe De Viana, (255), 175-203. Retrieved from