Las desventuras del mariscal de Navarra: el libro como solaz y paliativo anímico en casos de privación de libertad [The Marshal of Navarra’s misfortunes: the book as solace and comfort for the soul in cases of deprivation of freedom]

  • Mª Isabel Ostolaza Elizondo Catedrática de Universidad en Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas, Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Loyalty and disloyalty to the sovereign authority, conquest of Navarre and consequences, imprisonment of Marshal of Navarra


The life of the sixth Marshal of Navarra is one of the most eventful in the unsettled scene resulting from the conquest and incorporation of Navarre to the Spanish monarchy. He was head of the Agramontese faction and remained faithful to the deposed monarchs, which resulted for him in significant consequences and eventually led him to end his life tragically, having lost every hope of ever leaving his prison. In these circumstances, he used to comfort and solace himself reading the books of the small library he had in prison so that he could alleviate the long hours of confinement. Unfortunately, we have only vague references to those books in the post-mortem inventory of his property. We can but make hypothetical guesses about which they could be, looking at the moment’s editorial and commercial context.



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How to Cite
Ostolaza Elizondo, M. I. (2013). Las desventuras del mariscal de Navarra: el libro como solaz y paliativo anímico en casos de privación de libertad [The Marshal of Navarra’s misfortunes: the book as solace and comfort for the soul in cases of deprivation of freedom]. Príncipe De Viana, (256), 565-585. Retrieved from
1512. The arts and cultural heritage in the times of the conquest and annexation