Pedro Tizón: Una primera aproximación al estudio de un noble caballero del siglo XII [Pedro Tizón: A first approach to the study of a nobleman of the twelfth century]

  • Serafín Olcoz Yanguas Alumno del tercer ciclo del Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la Universidad de Zaragoza [Spain]
Keywords: Pedro Tizón, Kingdoms of Aragón and Pamplona, treaty of Vadoluengo, Temple Order


Pedro Tizón is one of the most important magnates in the kingdom of Pamplona and Aragón, before and after their split in the middle of the century XII. However, not much is known about him or what historical basis has in works about him or, generalizing, of the principal lords who accompanied the kings of Pamplona and Aragón at that time and how they their respective holdings were organized. Hence the riddle of over a hundred contemporary documents, in which it is quoted Pedro Tizón, produces of interesting information about the reliability of the documentation itself and what it has been published about Pedro Tizón, excision of the kingdoms of Aragón and Pamplona and their territorial organization at this time.



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How to Cite
Olcoz Yanguas, S. (2013). Pedro Tizón: Una primera aproximación al estudio de un noble caballero del siglo XII [Pedro Tizón: A first approach to the study of a nobleman of the twelfth century]. Príncipe De Viana, (257), 73-110. Retrieved from