Sobre las dudas del Gobierno central acerca de la fidelidad de Navarra durante la guerra de Convención. El intento de creación de un ejército navarro...[About the concerns of central government in connection with Navarre during the War of the Convention. The attempt to create an army of Navarre]

  • Fernando Mikelarena Peña Universidad de Zaragoza [Spain]
Keywords: Central government, Navarre, army, War of the Convention, defense of the kingdom


This article analyzes two issues related to the military aspects of the War of the Convention in Navarre. First, the attempt to create a Navarrese army during the war of the Convention, raised in three briefs submitted to the Courts of Navarre. Second, the defense strategy before the French set out by Cristóbal Cortés in July 1795. This issues are related with the connections between institutions of Navarre, the central government and the French Republic during the conflict.



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How to Cite
Mikelarena Peña, F. (2014). Sobre las dudas del Gobierno central acerca de la fidelidad de Navarra durante la guerra de Convención. El intento de creación de un ejército navarro.[About the concerns of central government in connection with Navarre during the War of the Convention. The attempt to create an army of Navarre]. Príncipe De Viana, (259), 267-291. Retrieved from
Contemporary History