Joaquín Maya: un paradigma del músico decimonónico [Joaquín Maya: a model of the nineteenth century musician]

  • Rebeca Madurga Continente Musicóloga [Spain]
Keywords: Joaquín Maya, Music, Pamplona, teacher, director, compositor


In the second part of the 19th century, the public musical education experimented a growth due to the creation of music schools, which, in the case of Pamplona, together with the establishment of new musical organizations that appeared in these decades, led to a bigger musical professionalization in the city. The musicians of that period were able to survive working this art, although many had to turn to moonlighting. Joaquín Maya is an exceptional case of this way of life. In his career path, his leading figure was always present one way or another (as a teacher, director, censor, pianist, composer) in the creation of all the musical associations that appeared in the capital of the province in the second...


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How to Cite
Madurga Continente, R. (2014). Joaquín Maya: un paradigma del músico decimonónico [Joaquín Maya: a model of the nineteenth century musician]. Príncipe De Viana, (260), 379-410. Retrieved from