Organización e inventarios del archivo de la Cámara de Comptos antes de la reordenación de 1786 [Arrangement and inventories of the archive of the Camara de Comptos before the redorder in 1786]

  • Juan José Martinena Ruiz Ex jefe de la Sección de Archivo Real y General de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: archive, Comptos, description, inventory, arrangement


Between 1786 and 1789 the Benedict monk Liciniano Sáez made an organization of all of the drawers of the Cámara de Comptos archive which meant the definitive loss of the previous structure that the archive had until then, and that was in all likelihood the same that it had since its creation in 1365. This article collects several news about the existing organization of the archive during the XV century, about the moving of the documents to different seats and also about the rules and ordinances dictated in different moments in order to limit the access to the archive. It is also dealt with the inventories developed in 1546 and 1547 for some drawers, with the general inventory of 1570-74, with the organization that the chronicler of Navarre P. Moret saw in 1660 and with the frustrated coordination of 1749. Finally, the study deals with the work of P. Sáez.


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How to Cite
Martinena Ruiz, J. J. (2014). Organización e inventarios del archivo de la Cámara de Comptos antes de la reordenación de 1786 [Arrangement and inventories of the archive of the Camara de Comptos before the redorder in 1786]. Príncipe De Viana, (260), 645-664. Retrieved from
Archival History