El proceso recopilador del derecho navarro entre 1556 y 1574. El fuero Reducido de Navarra y la obra de Pasquier [The compilation process of Navarrese law between 1556 and 1574. The Fuero reducido of Navarre and the work of Pasquier]

  • María del Pilar Arregui Zamorano Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Navarre, compilations of laws process, Fuero Reducido of Navarre, Pasquier, Philip II, Pedro Gasco


The modern era brought with it the need to collect each Republic’s iura propia in compilations. In this context, Navarre was not a singular kingdom, but if it had some kind of singularity this was manifested in his particular process of making compilations of laws. In the present study we have deepened in this process through the information provided by the umpublished data of the visit to the courts of justice of Navarre kingdom by the licensed Gasco, in the middle of the XVI century. We highlight the close connection and at the same time, the differences between the two major compilation of laws projects developed in the early part of the reign of Philip II (1556-1574): 1) the new attempt by the kingdom to get the monarch’s final permission to print the Fuero Reducido and 2) the compilation work accomplished by lawyer Pasquier.



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How to Cite
Arregui Zamorano, M. del P. (2015). El proceso recopilador del derecho navarro entre 1556 y 1574. El fuero Reducido de Navarra y la obra de Pasquier [The compilation process of Navarrese law between 1556 and 1574. The Fuero reducido of Navarre and the work of Pasquier]. Príncipe De Viana, (262), 565-580. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/779