Navarra hacia el mar. Avance de la investigación sobre los grafitos navales de la ermita de San Zoilo de Cáseda [Navarre toward the sea. An approach of the research about the naval graffiti of St. Zoilo’s hermitage of Cáseda]

  • Pablo Larraz Andía Doctor en Historia de la Medicina. Médico del Servicio Navarro de Salud y escritor [Spain]
  • Pedro Fondevila Silva Cátedra de Historia Naval de la Armada Española-Universidad de Murcia. Magister en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: historical graffiti, naval graffiti, St. Zoilo’s hermitage, Cáseda (Navarre)


The hermitage of St. Zoilo at Cáseda (Navarra) has in its inside walls an important set of ship-themed paintings which had not been studied or analysed until now. After several years of study and research, both on-site and on literature, the authors of this paper have identified and reproduced much of the numerous drawings and inscriptions of these wall paintings and unraveled some of the questions and uncertainties surrounding the origin of these drawings. This paper presents a preliminary advance of the undergoing investigation.



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How to Cite
Larraz Andía, P., & Fondevila Silva, P. (2015). Navarra hacia el mar. Avance de la investigación sobre los grafitos navales de la ermita de San Zoilo de Cáseda [Navarre toward the sea. An approach of the research about the naval graffiti of St. Zoilo’s hermitage of Cáseda]. Príncipe De Viana, (262), 649-672. Retrieved from