Ciudades ideales que subyacen bajo las ciudades navarras [Ideal cities that underlie Navarre cities]

  • Juan Carlos Valerio Martínez de Muniáin Doctor en Arquitectura. Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: city, marking, ideal, Navarra, underlying


This work responds to an investigation, with field work and cartographic work for the analisis of urban weaves in ten navarre cities of the Ribera, that discovers and shows the presence of weaves regulating lines which define ideal cities that shaped the spatial weave of those navarre cores. The analisis flows from primitive towns of the Bronze Age to Iron Age cities, the roman cores, islamic cores and, of course, the medieval foundations, the Renaissance reforms and their Baroque culmination.



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How to Cite
Valerio Martínez de Muniáin, J. C. (2015). Ciudades ideales que subyacen bajo las ciudades navarras [Ideal cities that underlie Navarre cities]. Príncipe De Viana, (262), 907-927. Retrieved from