Literatura sanferminera [San Fermin literature]

  • Miguel José Izu Belloso Doctor en Derecho. Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociología [Spain]
Keywords: literature, Pamplona, Navarre, fiesta, San Fermin


The paper reviews the different genres of the literature that has used the festival of San Fermin, in Pamplona, Spain, as the main theme or setting. It highlights some of its features, among which the fact that this is a modern phenomenon is clearly emphasised. It encompasses both indigenous and foreign creators, mainly in Spanish but also in English and other languages, some so famous as Hemingway and others completely unknown. For the first time, a bibliography of the wide range of works that can be termed as San Fermin literature is available.



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How to Cite
Izu Belloso, M. J. (2016). Literatura sanferminera [San Fermin literature]. Príncipe De Viana, (265), 919-949. Retrieved from