La idea de un archivo musical de Navarra como génesis de experiencias compartidas con nuestro patrimonio musical [The idea of a music archive in Navarre as genesis of shared experiences with local musical heritage]

  • Marcos Andrés Vierge Titular del Área de Música de la Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: music archives, musical heritage of Navarra, music catalogues, musical research


The paper describes why the creation of a music archive in Navarra is so important. The main reason is that music archives must also work as mediators for musical heritage dissemination. On the other hand, musical historiography has shown the relation between the music knowledge, its conservation and dissemination. Finally, some specific cases about musicians and music of Navarra show that the creation of the musical archive of Navarra would be very important in order to motivate shared experiences with our music heritage.



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How to Cite
Andrés Vierge, M. (2017). La idea de un archivo musical de Navarra como génesis de experiencias compartidas con nuestro patrimonio musical [The idea of a music archive in Navarre as genesis of shared experiences with local musical heritage]. Príncipe De Viana, (266), 1313-1327. Retrieved from
Archives of Navarre: Present situation and future challenges