Archivo de la Catedral de Pamplona [Pamplona Cathedral Archive]

  • Alfredo López Vallejos Archivero-bibliotecario de la catedral. Director del Archivo Diocesano de Pamplona [Spain]
Keywords: History, cathedral church, parchments, manuscripts, incunables


This article is a description on the Cathedral’s Archive from a historical point of view. The following main sections are explained in detail: parchments, codices and books, with particular attention given to the most significant works from each of these sections. A tour of the different locations in which the Archive and Library have been situated over the centuries is provided. Reference is made to its current situation and the services available to researchers.



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How to Cite
López Vallejos, A. (2017). Archivo de la Catedral de Pamplona [Pamplona Cathedral Archive]. Príncipe De Viana, (266), 1251-1273. Retrieved from
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