San Juan de los Reyes, de templo votivo bélico a santuario global del reinado de los Reyes Católicos [San Juan de los Reyes, from votive war temple to global sanctuary of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs]

  • Tarsicio De Azcona Correspondiente de la RAH [Spain]
Keywords: San Juan de los Reyes (Toledo), Catholic monarchs, Battle of Paleagonzalo (1476), Afonso V of Portugal, Franciscan Observance in Spain


The author analyses how the motives for constructing the Temple of San Juan de los Reyes in Toledo changed as the monarchs changed their policy with regard Portugal. At first, the new temple was built for votive reasons following Isabella and Ferdinand’s victory in Paleagonzalo, near Toro, over their niece Joanna, who had married Afonso V of Portugal in 1475. Two inscriptions, probably made after Isabella’s death, which do not even mention the war with Portugal, indicate that the temple exists to celebrate the reign of the monarchs as a whole, citing its most significant achievements. The temple’s close ties with the Franciscan Observance are significant.



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How to Cite
De Azcona, T. (2017). San Juan de los Reyes, de templo votivo bélico a santuario global del reinado de los Reyes Católicos [San Juan de los Reyes, from votive war temple to global sanctuary of the reign of the Catholic Monarchs]. Príncipe De Viana, (267), 65-75. Retrieved from