Brianda de Vaca, la «amada nuestra» de Carlos de Viana. Origen e identidad. Una historia de linajes [Brianda de Vaca, our beloved of Carlos de Viana. Origin and identity. A history of lineages]

  • Juan Boix Salvador Máster en Estudios Medievales Hispánicos. UAM [Spain]
Keywords: Lineages, nobility, Hispanic kingdoms, 15th. century


This text tries to define with accuracy the origin and the identity of Brianda de Vaca. It also establishes her meeting with Carlos de Viana and her travel to the Court of Navarre, the birth of her son Felipe, her stay in Catalonia and the formation of a new family in Barcelona. All of this in the context of a relationship of lineages.



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How to Cite
Boix Salvador, J. (2018). Brianda de Vaca, la «amada nuestra» de Carlos de Viana. Origen e identidad. Una historia de linajes [Brianda de Vaca, our beloved of Carlos de Viana. Origin and identity. A history of lineages]. Príncipe De Viana, (268), 487-521. Retrieved from