El sector musical en el contexto de las industrias culturales y creativas. Breve reflexión situada [The music industry in the context of the cultural and creative industries. Some data on the music industry in Navarre]

  • Marcos Andrés Vierge Titular del Área de Música de la Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
  • Igor Saenz Abarzuza Profesor asociado de la Universidad Pública de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Cultural and creative industries, music industry, Navarre, post-digital age, live music


This article provides information on music within the context of the cultural and creative industries. It underlines the importance of music on the way towards the new post-digital age. The text also highlights aspects related to the production and distribution of music, property rights and new forms of music consumption. Finally, comparative data on Navarre and the Spanish state reflect certain trends in the music industry, especially live music.



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How to Cite
Andrés Vierge, M., & Saenz Abarzuza, I. (2018). El sector musical en el contexto de las industrias culturales y creativas. Breve reflexión situada [The music industry in the context of the cultural and creative industries. Some data on the music industry in Navarre]. Príncipe De Viana, (270), 173-189. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/938
The cultural and creative industries in Navarra: the path taken (sectoral visions)