Del Barroco al academicismo: la sacristía «nueva» de Larraga como ejemplo de transición [From the Baroque to the Academicism: the «new» sacristy of Larraga as an example of transition]

  • Igor Cacho Ugalde Licenciado en Historia. Profesor de Historia del Arte del Colegio Erain Ikastetxea [Spain]
Keywords: Sacristy, Baroque, Neoclassicism, Larraga (Navarre), Francisco Sabando, Diego Díaz del Valle


This article is about the construction, decoration, use and function of the «new» sacristy of San Miguel church of Larraga (Navarre). This building was designed by Francisco Sabando (architecture) and Diego Díaz del Valle (painting and furniture), two of the most important artists of their time. For this, several archives have been consulted and four neighbours who have known the use and evolution of the building have been interviewed. In terms of artistic level, the sacristy is inserted in the characteristics of the last baroque and the beginning of academicism. As a whole, it represents the best moment of splendor and pageantry of the local church.



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How to Cite
Cacho Ugalde, I. (2018). Del Barroco al academicismo: la sacristía «nueva» de Larraga como ejemplo de transición [From the Baroque to the Academicism: the «new» sacristy of Larraga as an example of transition]. Príncipe De Viana, (271), 397-422. Retrieved from