La frontera de Navarra durante el reinado de Carlos II. La acción virreinal y el problema de la defensa [The frontier of Navarre during the reign of Charles II. The viceroyalty action and the Defense problem]

  • Antonio Espino López Catedrático de Historia Moderna. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona [Spain]
Keywords: Navarre, 17Th Century, viceroys, defense, War


In this work we have been interested in the reactions of the Spanish Monarchy to the defensive demands elaborated by the viceroys of Navarre during the reign of Charles II on the basis of an exhaustive analysis of the documentation deposited in the Archivo General de Simancas and the modern historiography, which will be contrasted. The main conclusions would be that, while the kingdom might appear to be a favoured territory in some respects, the truth is that the Monarchy barely reversed the appropriate flows for the improvement of the Fortifications of Pamplona, nor did he adequately maintain the troops that kept that frontier, a task that fell, rather, on the economy of territory.



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How to Cite
Espino López, A. (2018). La frontera de Navarra durante el reinado de Carlos II. La acción virreinal y el problema de la defensa [The frontier of Navarre during the reign of Charles II. The viceroyalty action and the Defense problem]. Príncipe De Viana, (271), 527-552. Retrieved from