Ricardo Tejedor, dibujante y pintor [Ricardo Tejedor, drafter and painter]

  • José Mª Muruzábal del Solar Doctor en Historia [Spain]
Keywords: painter, Navarra, 19th-20th centuries, illustrator


This article presents the artist Ricardo Tejedor, who is still little known in Navarra. Born in Irun in 1882, at the age of five he moved to Pamplona, where he later died in 1944. His artistic education began at the Institute of Pamplona, with Eduardo Carceller, he then went on to Madrid and later to Paris, with Salvador Bartolozzi as his companion. Established in Pamplona, he sketched and painted until the end of the twenties, when his dedication to his hospitality business finally put an end to his artistic calling. As well as his oil paintings and variety of sketches, particular mention should be made of his numerous illustrations published in the Diario de Navarra daily newspaper.


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How to Cite
Muruzábal del Solar, J. M. (2018). Ricardo Tejedor, dibujante y pintor [Ricardo Tejedor, drafter and painter]. Príncipe De Viana, (271), 437-464. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/954