X Films: tendiendo puentes entre el cine y otras artes [X Films: zubiak eraikiz zinemaren eta beste arte batzuen artean]

  • Miguel Zozaya Fernández [Spain]
Keywords: X Films, Juan Huarte, Spanish cinema, film production, art cinema


The present article aims to rebuild the history of X Films, the film production company started by the industrial and artistic sponsor Juan Huarte in 1963. The project was based in his close relationship with the sculptor Jorge Oteiza: both aimed at building bridges between cinema and other arts. Instead of the habitual reclaim of single films, we found that the whole production of X Films becomes relevant in order to see the real reach and intelligence of the company’s strategy combining different production lines. X Films production corpus shows an interesting portrait of late Francoism society as seen by artists and creators from different disciplines.



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How to Cite
Zozaya Fernández, M. (2019). X Films: tendiendo puentes entre el cine y otras artes [X Films: zubiak eraikiz zinemaren eta beste arte batzuen artean]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 1277-1290. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/961
The historical and cultural heritage: Creation, confirmation or dissolution of boundaries