Las fronteras pirenaicas ante la guerra de la Cuádruple Alianza (1718-1720) [The Pyrenean borders during the war of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720)]

  • David Ferré Gispets Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona [Spain]
Keywords: Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720), war, borders, Pyrenees, dynastic fidelity


The main purpose of this contribution is to study, in a comparative approach, the impact of the War of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720) in the different Pyrenean borders. Through bibliographical and documental sources, especially municipal records and epistolary collections, we will reconstruct the main phases of that conflict, interconnecting both theatres of war. In our conclusion we will try to measure the true impact of the war in Catalonia, Navarre and the Basque Country, emphasizing the important recurrences found in key aspects such as the defence of dynastic fidelity.



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How to Cite
Ferré Gispets, D. (2019). Las fronteras pirenaicas ante la guerra de la Cuádruple Alianza (1718-1720) [The Pyrenean borders during the war of the Quadruple Alliance (1718-1720)]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 1195-1210. Retrieved from
A world of boundaries. The western Pyrenees in the Modern period (16th - 18th centuries)