La mujer en el derecho civil foral de Navarra: de la penumbra a la visibilidad [Women in Navarrese civil law: from the shadows to visibility]

  • Javier Nanclares Valle Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Women, capacity to act, marriage, parental authority, equality


Historically, Navarrese civil law was constructed on the basis of a hierarchical androcentric family model, with a disregard for women which was reflected in the Compilation of 1973. The Spanish Constitution demanded a rethinking of family law from a constitutional perspective, purging the legal texts of norms that contained discrimination based on sex, which was done in 1987 by a Foral Law that moved women from the shadows to which they had been relegated, in order to give them a visibility –perhaps incomplete– in accordance with their dignity and the new social reality.



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How to Cite
Nanclares Valle, J. (2019). La mujer en el derecho civil foral de Navarra: de la penumbra a la visibilidad [Women in Navarrese civil law: from the shadows to visibility]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 903-919. Retrieved from