El cabildo de la catedral de Pamplona y su actividad asistencial en la Baja Edad Media (siglo XIV) [The Chapter of Pamplona Cathedral and its Charitable and Welfare Activity in the late Middle Ages (14th Century)]
The charitable and welfare activity is strongly rooted in any canonical institution in the Middle Ages. In the Catedral of Pamplona, the existence of a hospital and a shelter under the patronage of Saint Michael has been documented since the 12th century. In this hospital, there were pilgrims, as well as poor and sick people, who remained under the responsibility of the hospitable canon. On the other hand, the care and attention of these underprivileged people seem to be entrusted to women, «owners» or «sororas». In short, we are facing more evidence of the social projection of the capitular clergy, through this hospital network, as well as the spiritual life of women in the late Middle Ages.
Copyright (c) 2018 Ángeles García de la Borbolla García de Paredes

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