El Consejo Real de Navarra y la jurisdicción «por sí separada» del reino: 1521 [The Royal Council of Navarre and the separate jurisdiction of de kingdom: 1521]

  • María del Pilar Arregui Zamorano Universidad de Navarra [Spain]
Keywords: Kingdom of Navarre, inclusion into the crown of Castile, separate jurisdiction, Royal Council of Navarre


The inclusion of the Kingdom of Navarre in the Crown of Castile generates controversy among the authors. Since Ferdinand the Catholic ordered the Council of Castile to deal with the affairs of the kingdom, the interpretations of the consequences of such incorporation vary greatly. This work delves into the subject from a letter of the Council of Navarre to Charles I in 1521. In it, the radical separation between the jurisdiction of the king over the Kingdom of Navarre and the possessions over the other kingdoms of the Hispanic plural Monarchy is defended. This allows us to study their problematic situation as it is a kingdom in itself, without an own Council in the Court.



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How to Cite
Arregui Zamorano, M. del P. (2019). El Consejo Real de Navarra y la jurisdicción «por sí separada» del reino: 1521 [The Royal Council of Navarre and the separate jurisdiction of de kingdom: 1521]. Príncipe De Viana, (272), 1081-1097. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/PV/article/view/972
Old and new institutions of Navarre: Overcoming boundaries