Xundak eta ezpondak. Laborantzarako terraza-sistemak Nafarroako isurialde atlantiarrean: Baztan haraneko zenbait adibide [Xundak eta ezpondak. Terraced field systems in the Atlantic region of Navarre: some examples from the Baztan valley]

  • Josu Narbarte Hernández [Spain]
  • Mattin Aiestaran [Spain]
  • Maite Errarte Zurutuza [Spain]
  • Suberri Matelo Mitxelena [Spain]
Keywords: agriculture; rural word; local history; open fields.


Terraced agricultural fields are a prominent element in the rural landscapes of northern Navarre. In this paper, we propose an approximation to their main features (location, morphology, constructive techniques, etcetera), based on four local examples from the Baztan valley. Our results reveal that terraced field systems, placed close to the habitats forming homogeneous assemblages, have been the main areas of cereal production in contexts of accidented topography. In this manner, these spaces can be considered as a key of the rural landscapes, which opens the way for a study of their historical evolution.


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How to Cite
Narbarte Hernández, J., Aiestaran, M., Errarte Zurutuza, M., & Matelo Mitxelena, S. (2022). Xundak eta ezpondak. Laborantzarako terraza-sistemak Nafarroako isurialde atlantiarrean: Baztan haraneko zenbait adibide [Xundak eta ezpondak. Terraced field systems in the Atlantic region of Navarre: some examples from the Baztan valley]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (95), 187-208. https://doi.org/10.35462/CEEN95.6