Goizuetako danbolintero batzuk (1608-1729) [Some drummers from Goizueta (1608-1729)]

  • Patziku Perurena Loiarte [Spain]
Keywords: Goizueta, popular music, drummers, kettle drummers


The author of this work offers a preview of his research into the popular music of Goizueta, based mainly on oral sources and data from the Municipal Archives of Goizueta, and focuses on some drummers. Apparently much older data exists, such as information on the triple festive dance of Moors, Christans and «Merinos» held in Iheragako Soroa, but we will have to wait for the publication of the complete investigation to find out. Likewise, the «Three Queens» of the «Kings» may have been the famous «hiru komaio» of May.


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How to Cite
Perurena Loiarte, P. (2017). Goizuetako danbolintero batzuk (1608-1729) [Some drummers from Goizueta (1608-1729)]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (90), 209-236. Retrieved from https://revistas.navarra.es/index.php/CEEN/article/view/231