Nafarroako herrietako bizimoduak eta hizkerak XX. mende bukaeran kontaturik [The Ways of Life and the Dialects of Navarrese Villages Narrated at the End of the 20th Century]

  • Orreaga Ibarra Murillo Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa / Hizkuntzalaritza eta Filologia Saila [Spain]
Keywords: Basque dialects, etnotext, Basque, Navarre


The etnotexts are a reflection of the ways of life and of the dialectal diversity. In this article we transcribe several etnotexts recorded at the end of the 20th century which reflect the diversity of speech and customs in Navarre. The analysis of them shows these linguistic features and constitutes a testimony of aspects of daily life. Each text is accompanied by a phonological, morphological, syntactical and etnographic analysis done from the perspective contrastive, in order to bring out the dialectal and etnographic features of each speech.


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How to Cite
Ibarra Murillo, O. (2019). Nafarroako herrietako bizimoduak eta hizkerak XX. mende bukaeran kontaturik [The Ways of Life and the Dialects of Navarrese Villages Narrated at the End of the 20th Century]. Cuadernos De Etnología Y Etnografía Navarra, (92), 39-109. Retrieved from