Fidela Bernat anderea, euskal hiztun erronkariarra (I)

  • Koldo Artola Donostiako ARANZADI Zientzi Elkarteko Etnografi Sailekoa [Spain]


We have collected, along this article, a group of basque verbal forms produced in various contexts. These forms belong to the indicative mode, to the nor system "I am", "you are", etc and to the nor-nork "I have seen it", "You have seen it", "He has seen it", etc ... -which are the only forms kept by Mrs. Fidela, apparently the last speaker of the basque dialect form the valley of Roncal. However she has conserved the allocutive forms, both familiar and respectful, derived from the former. The progressive deterioration of the verb and other aspects of these dialect has already been exposed by Azkue in 1931 in his study "Particularidades del dialecto roncalés".


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ARANZADI ZIENTZIA ELKARTEA: Euskalerriko Atlas Etnolinguistikoa (EA EL), Lehen zatia, Donostia 1983.

ARTOLA, K.: Erronkariko 'uskara 'ren azken hatsak . .. eino're!, FLV 25, 1977.

AZKUE, R.M.: Particularidades del dialecto roncalés, EUSKERA, XII urtea, 1931.

BELOKI, J.J., ELOSEGI, J., SANSINENEA, P. eta MITXELENA, K.: Contribución al conocimiento del dialecto roncalés, Boletín de la RSV AP, Don ostia 1953.

BON APARTE, L.L.: Etudes sur les trois dialectes basques des Vallées d'Aezcoa, de Salazar et de Roncal, tels qu 'ils sont parlés a Aribe, a Jaurrieta eta Vidangoz, Londres 1872.

ESTORNES LASA; J.: Erronkariko uskaraz elestak, FLV 40, 1982.

IZAGIRRE, K.: Erronkariko euskal-ondakin batzuk (I), Boletín de la RSVAP, Donostia 1959.

IZAGIRRE, K.: Erronkariko euskal-ondakin batzuk (ll), Boletín de la RSVAP, Donostia 1961.

YRIZAR, P.: Contribución a la dialectología de la lengua vasca, Gipuzkoako Aurrezki-Kutxa Probintziala, 1981.

How to Cite
Artola, K. (1991). Fidela Bernat anderea, euskal hiztun erronkariarra (I). Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (58), 247-281.