Xahoren Aitor hegoaldeko XIX. mendeko narratiban [Xaho ’s Aitor, in the peninsular nineteenth century fiction]

  • Ana M. Toledo Deustuko Unibertsitatea [Spain]
Keywords: community, opposition, identity, patriarch, Christianity, Basque jurisdiction or charter abolition


The treatment of Aitor the Patriarch in the peninsular nineteenth fiction is analyzed through this report. For this reason, firstly the legend that formed him is examined, Aitor. Légende Cantabre (1845), Agustin Xaho’s follows where the similarities and differences that this figure presents in Amaya o los vascos en el siglo VIII (1879) written by Francisco Navarro Villoslada, in «Aitor-en etorrera edo Euskal Erriaren asiera» (1882) by Karmelo Etxegarai, and «Aitor» (1881) and «Iberia ó la ninfa del Zadorra» (1882) by Bizente Arana. In the works mentioned, writers take the opportunity to subordinate the character created by Xaho to their purpose and mainly use it to point out the loss of identity that the community shaped by Aitor has suffered.


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How to Cite
Toledo, A. M. (2014). Xahoren Aitor hegoaldeko XIX. mendeko narratiban [Xaho ’s Aitor, in the peninsular nineteenth century fiction]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (117), 5-24. https://doi.org/10.35462/flv117.1