Aurizko aldaeraren inguruan (Aurizko eta Orreagako euskararen lagin batzuk) [About the Burguete speech (some materials on Burguete and Roncesvalles Basque)]
Following our custom, we have prepared this paper considering the dialect classification contained in Louis-Lucien Bonaparte’s admirable dialect map. We bring forth here materials collected in the two villages that, according to the prince’s classification, formed this variety. In the final part of the introduction, but whithout dwelling on details, we have shown that the Basque speech we have come to know, spoken only by a few old people, was heavily influenced by the speech of both Aezkoa and Valcarlos, the parents of some informants having come from those areas. Yet, in one family of Burguete, surnamed Irigarai, the local speech is largely maintained.
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BONAPARTE, L. L., 1863, Carte des sept provinces basques montrant la délimitation actuelle de l’euscara et sa division en dialectes, sous-dialectes et variétés, Londres.
ECHAIDE, A. M., 1989, El euskera en Navarra-Encuestas lingüísticas (1965-1967), Donostia, Eusko Ikaskuntza.
GARMENDIA LARRAÑAGA, J., 1987, Ritos de solsticio de verano (I) Festividad de San Juan Bautista, Donostia, Kriselu.
INTZA, Aita Dámaso de, 1922, «Naparro’ko aditz-laguntzallea zuketako esakeran», Euskera, 3, 65-92.
IRIBARREN, J. M., 1984, Vocabulario navarro (nueva edición preparada y ampliada por Ricardo Ollaquindia), Pamplona, Institución Príncipe de Viana.
IRIGARAY, Á., 1958, Prosistas navarros contemporáneos en lengua vasca. XX-garren mendeko Nafarroako euskal idazlariak, Pamplona, Diputación Foral de Navarra, Institución Príncipe de Viana.
IRIGARAY, P. F., 1992, Nafarroatik, Donostia, I. Caminoren edizioa, Euskal Editoreen Elkartea.
YRIZAR, P. de, 1992, Morfología del verbo auxiliar alto navarro meridional, Euskaltzaindia.
YRIZAR, P. de, 1985, «Aparición y desaparición de las formas verbales en -ako-, -eko-, en el alto-navarro meridional», Aingeru Irigarayri Omenaldia, Donostia, Eusko Ikaskuntza.
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