Subordinadas completivas del verbo gertatu ‘ocurrir’ en Haraneder: ¿Subjuntivo extendido o conservación del Aoristo Perifrástico?

Keywords: Subordinate clauses governed by the verb gertatu ‘happen’, Johannes Haraneder, Labourdian Basque (XVI-XVIII c.), Periphrastic Aorist, conservative syntactic contexts


In this article a specific syntactic context is examined, namely, subordinate clauses governed by the verb gertatu ‘happen’, in the labourdian writer Johannes Haraneder (beginning of the XVIII century). the examples collected in Haraneder’s writings show a surprising phenomenon, where the finite subordinate clauses governed by gertatu which express perfective meaning have a verbal form with the (so-called Subjunctive) auxiliaries -di- or -za-. After comparing these examples with the corresponding cases in Johannes Leizarraga (xvi c.) and in the Vulgate, the article discusses whether they should be analyzed as a Past Subjunctive extended to new contexts (seemingly of the indicative), or whether what we are witnessing is the archaic use of the Periphrastic Aorist in a conservative context.


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How to Cite
Aldai, G. (2015). Subordinadas completivas del verbo gertatu ‘ocurrir’ en Haraneder: ¿Subjuntivo extendido o conservación del Aoristo Perifrástico?. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (120), 327-344.