Etxarrierako hitano-alokutiboa [Allocutive treatment in local dialect of Etxarri Aranatz]
This article analyzes the treatment of «allocutive agreement» in Basque, in the town of Etxarri Aranatz. First, it describes the «hitano» and the «allocutive» together with their use in different contexts and some examples of syncretism. Then, illustrated in tables, are presented and examined analytic and synthetic conjugation phrases. The mentioned phrases come in bold and italics, as used in local speech, and then, in parentheses and normal font-type, the standarized form including both the «hitano» and «zutano» (the neutral verb form) in smaller font-type and in brackets. To finish the article, a text by Joseba Sarrionandia has been adapted to the local dialect of Etxarri Aranatz in its allocutive form.
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Copyright (c) 2016 José Luis Erdozia Mauleon
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