Zatoz! Agindua da! Euskal aginteraren azterketa formal baterako lehen urratsak [Come here! It is an order! First steps towards a formal approach of Basque imperative clauses]
The main objective of this article is to take the first steps towards a formal approach of Basque imperative clauses. One of the most distinctive characteristics of these clauses has to do with the subject: firstly, the null subject of imperatives is always interpreted as the addressee, even when there is not any person mark in the verb, and secondly, languages that do not allow declarative or interrogative null subjects allow null impera-tive subjects. these properties can be explained proposing a functional projection with 2nd person features as in Zanuttini (2008). this proposal can also explain imperatives with other kind of subjects, as I will show in exploring Basque imperatives. Last but not least, some phenomena emerging from negative imperatives will be also explored.
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