Mugako hiztun eta aldaerak ipar-mendebaleko Zuberoan [Forms and speakers from dialect bordering areas in North-Western Soule]

  • Iñaki Camino Lertxundi University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) [Spain]
Keywords: bidialectal speaker, duplicity of features, dialect border, Souletin dialect


Our paper deals with the complex lectal behaviour shown by speakers living in dialect bordering areas. In this kind of geolectal contexts, we find a high degree of linguistic polymorphism in the varieties being used by the speakers. The area we have explored is rather unknown for dialectology and takes the towns situated in the plain going from Saint-Palais to Mauleon and in the mountainous area which constitute crucially the dividing line between Mixe valley and the province of Soule. The divergence between the dialects spoken
in Mixe valley and Soule gradually decreases as we move away from the central towns of each territory, but it is still possible to draw a dividing line between the two dialects: we can consider the dialect spoken in Charrite-de-Bas and Oyhercq as the initiation point of the Souletin dialect, whereas the variety employed in Undurein and Ainharp can be taken as totally Souletin. The town of Aroue locates better in the Mixe dialect region, but its speakers also use many Souletin forms. The variety of the town of Lohitzun is more characteristic of the Mixe dialect. Nowadays, it is Pagola the town in which we find more polymorphism, since speakers living in there use both Souletin and Mixe dialect forms.
we find more polymorphism, since speakers living in there use both Souletin
and Mixe dialect forms.


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How to Cite
Camino Lertxundi, I. (2009). Mugako hiztun eta aldaerak ipar-mendebaleko Zuberoan [Forms and speakers from dialect bordering areas in North-Western Soule]. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, (111), 153-218.